Don't Forget Your Coverup!

Many sun-seekers are preparing for their yearly holiday migration to warmer climes.  The swimwear is bought (hopefully tan through), the tickets are purchased, the itinerary is set, but have you chosen your swimsuit coverup?  We recommend a tan through sarong or pareo to compliment your favorite swimsuit.

Tan through sarong in green Heat print -- EW0448A swimwear cover-up gives you a little more coverage for changes in situations.  For instance, if you need to run back to your room or condo for something, you won't feel quite so unclothed if you have a nice pareo for the occasion.  I have been in situations like this and felt a little out of place standing around in my bathing suit while everyone else was fully clothed.

Large cover ups like our tan through pareos give you the option of using it as a sun screen when you've had just a bit too much sun.  Furthermore, you can place it over your face while tanning and still be able to see through it.  It just provides a little more freedom to cover your face in a public place without fear of someone snatching some of your stuff.

Lastly, Lifestyles Direct tan through beachwear is just beautiful!  It will compliment any swimsuit or bikini.  The fabric is not thick and hot so you can wear it in sun without roasting.  It can be worn in the water as well and come out just as beautiful as when it was dry.  The pores help it to dry very quickly so there is no worry!

Choose a fabulous tan through swimsuit coverup today to add to your beachwear collection!  You will not regret it!


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